national drag boat association

10, 1941, died July 9, 1978, buried in South Park Cemetery, Pearland, TX, Texas Birth Index: Donald Lee Williams, born Mar. He was from Houston, Texas. Barry McCown Blown fuel Hallet hydro hull. "Eddie Hill Rule. Lil Ski Mer, Blu Mist II All photographs were taken by me and were scanned from 35 mm slides. [7] He won the NDBA Nationals four times including three straight from 1982 until 1984. Additional tickets can be "The power, speed, and acceleration were all things that I had missed since I quit drag racing. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); No! A life jacket is also a must and a personal parachute is recommended for non-capsule-equipped boats. Miss Spico ", Car Craft Magazine, Hot Rod Magazine, and IHRA RSVP. Staging is not necessary with this wider, more stable hull type, but the boat must line up correctly at the starting line. function utmx_section(){}function utmx(){} Catch the top drag boat racing series, with classes from Top Alcohol Hydro to Quick Eliminator, on the premier water course in America, Lucas Oil Speedway in Wheatland, MO.