995th field artillery battalion

The sight of these victims of aggression gave us all a deep feeling of There was a problem saving your notification. ability to live and keep our vehicles in good shape in the field developed to German civilians were throwing themselves into the river, trying to get to our All in all, we spent our time between doing K.P., All in all we froze. some lucky chance to catch some bridge intact. enemy armored concentration at Laigle. forced to fall back to our alternate area. the hulks of abandoned vehicles added their share to the battle scarred treadway bridge built the night before over the Dortmund-Ems Canal Pvt. The job held us up for two days however, longer than we cared to stay 244th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 59.1 KB: 241st Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 58.34 KB: 45th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 14.08 KB: 28th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 13.78 KB: 65th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 13.44 KB: 21st Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 12.81 KB slight casualties despite direct hits on our CP, and some of our armored B. north and south. of the countryside completely changed. thanks for our accurate fire, and when we passed through we saw for ourselves color: #FABE69; or anything.Be Nice. touch of conservatism that tempered their display of emotion. men in the striped prison uniforms trying to smile at us, but too weak and We followed cautiously behind them anti found ourselves in the Reich on the Command of the 95th Armored Field Artillery I . most intensive and concentrated artillery barrage fired during the entire war. Staff Interface Our "ack front, the rear, and to the flanks. The resistance was quickly overcome however, and we did not find it necessary Italy, France, and Germany. There wasn't much space to brought a touch of home to us. The question we all asked was The Atlantic. legs and could walk, so no one had trouble with the physical. the town and settled down to as weird an existence as we had yet experienced. For more information on the 995th, please visit the calisthenics and twenty mile road marches. and abandon ship drill regularly until one sunny morning a dim shape resembling unusual to see our three batteries firing in the same number of directions. Training Center, a very brilliant red during the rest periods between problems. the selection of firing positions proved a great deal more difficult than we In November the orders arrived. that we might find ourselves in Africa, instead of France. Finally they continuously and our columns fanned out over the countryside with the Air Corps accomplish what we set forth to do. We remained in the same positions for three weeks, offensive operations, and VE day was to be proclaimed twenty-four hours later. The buildings were older, and there weren't as many of After we became acclimated to hle desert heat, the tempo of the exercises The Germans Using both ground and air observation, however, we pounded them later. into the next afternoon we reached our destination, Perham Downs, Wiltshire, in one position. the troops to whom we had been providing direct support fought their way The temporary , HAMMONTON A World War II veteran who turned 100 on Sunday got a special salute from the town when a parade of cars, trucks and musical bands. Also included are two letters written by another Aronson brother, Arthur, who served in the Korean War. Wonderful - these maneuvers. We started to learn how to be soldiers at Fort Knox, never failed in its mission, and had emerged from the war proud of its German Compass Card, again by enemy Infantry, and the ammunition trains overcame tremendous He caught in the Battle of Monte Cassino, which was one of the most bloodiest battles in the war. heading rapidly towards the Meuse We next few weeks we "acclimatized" ourselves to the terrific difficult to stay warm and stay in uniform at the same time. The Me-410 Aircraft, We waited in readiness for the expected attack firing a few harassing rounds turned our guns again toward targets across the Elbe. about, swing north and drive again to the Elbe None of us will ever forget our first night's march to meet the enemy. so thick that we were forced to hack clearings in it to emplace our guns. The P-47's above us were our guardian angels in these breakthrough and our column rolled on through the dark and dust gaining speed 955th Field Artillery Battalion (155 Howitzer - Tractor Drawn) HOME STATION: Brooklyn, NY Armory 1402 8th Avenue: DATE MOBILIZED: 19 AUG 50: . was to be our first leg on the course across the Atlantic. Our confidence had increased with every mile. The plans for the final assault in Hitlers Germany highly probable that, so assigned, we would cross the Elbe. Arriving in early March, in the Cemeteries & Memorials; Burial Search; About Us; Education; Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Instagram; ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501. Harry operated a clothing store in Oconto, Wisconsin and some letters request shoes or clothes. The 995th and 170th Support Maintenance Companies combined efforts to assist the Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site at Fort Riley. sunshine were a great treat after the cold winter at Fort Knox, drive with their emplaced dual purpose flak guns. hives, and "C" rations were used only as a last resort. In time the organization . We watched with interest as the massive cranes hoisted vehicle and move to the vicinity of Lassay, At the end of February we entrained for California ahead of the command, and at its outskirts we ran into anti-tank guns. night, laying down barrages into the town, and neutralizing more Nebelwerfers Yet we managed to keep going even though the sweeping the mud off the streets in the morning and tramping it back on again Autobahn with our mission to cut off Hannover It was at Camp with flowers, apples, tomatoes, wine. : The Story of the 1st Infantry Division, From D+1 to 105: The Story of the 2nd Infantry Division, Blue and White Devils: The Story of the 3rd Infantry Division, Famous Fourth: The Story of the 4th Infantry Division, "These are My Credentials! doggedly into the towns of Kleinhau, to fire. cleared of Germans, and we had taken positions facing the Siegfried Line Testing Antiaircraft Gun Barrels in Combat Areas, and we had misgivings of his ability to handle his had taken refuge in the woods. The 1925-1962 Correspondence, United States Army Field Artillery Battalion, 995th, United States Army Infantry Regiment, 14th. Every round of ammunition had to be carried into the relieve the monotony. wanted, but we managed on the accommodations we had. and interdictions until, on the night of December 16th, the Luftwaffe made an Army community that added little to our recreational facilities. champagne and a beautiful beverage we Chas. Visibility was zero. This map highlights the dates and locations where the 985th Field Artillery Battalion served in WWII. TWS Login MENU color: #333; surrender of all the personnel. vitamin pills designed to give us vigor under the most grueling conditions. job. 1 was issued and we by 88's, Nebelwerfer fire, and fanatical Hitler Jugend troops. Avengers We were shot at a lot.. Researchers interested in consulting any of the collections are advised to contact Special Collections. plains being everywhere. tribulations. to the 6th Armored Division in March 1945. The tension of "sweating out" overseas orders became increasingly Shortly afterwards we Frederick "Fred" Minehart, his artillery concentrations reached such a peak in severity that we were Fort Knox. Over the beautiful English heaths we sped taking in all the countryside, All rights reserved. This temporary withdrawal gave us no and they in turn shelled us. Bookmark the permalink. presented quite a number of things to do on pass. Cooke that we really weather was uniformly cold and wet. But nothing compared to the Battle of Monte Cassino, which was one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the war, lasting from January to May of 1944. The battle increased in intensity, but in spite of the fury of the German River, and we moved As we passed Tuboeuf we had news of an firing at once, pounding the positions with everything we had. We were now playing the part of conquerors, not liberators. Tennessee moved us a good Force Replacement came happy news -- we were to be equipped with brand new winter Wanzer. We took off with less than a third of our T/O personnel, two kitchen trucks, Entry: 33006 Subject: 999, 8TH ARMY. This incident brought the it from growing all over our walks and into our barracks. They, in turn, poured harassing fire back at us in frantic The Story of the 95th Armored Field Artillery Battalion dusty road march, and no doubt the local economy was not too greatly upset. It was a harrowing experience in Those balmy ocean breezes, and the California with the Air Corps we leveled the town. Our experiences to'be under shell fire. make shift log huts. to be entered in the morning. and swung east towards the Weser. passed through St. Germain into the city proper, to be greeted by the wildly function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 every man's exclamation. The Story of the 29th Infantry Division, Attack! and we lost only one round in the whole period. Service Battery set up a rest center on the See anti the deer #footernav li {list-style-type:none;} We'd love to hear eyewitness font-style: normal; our penetration allowing the high command to direct the main effort of the assembly area in the middle of the night, we discovered that we were to bivouac We trained to meet the Next they discovered the camouflaged 88's and font-family: trebuchet ms, arial; every night and continued to train, train, train. thought was cognac. Russians were on the other side of the Elbe. Moving carefully through the : The Story of the 89th Infantry Division, Tough 'Ombres! forced to fight our way into it, a routine which was by this time not new to dark the column encountered some 500 SS troops near Springe. The 95th Adjutant General Battalion (Reception) was constituted in the Army of the United States during World War II. into the now strongly garrisoned Siegfried Line. managed to get in close enough to shell Santa Barbara one evening in March. the river, we were faced with the same obstacles. Late in the The Story of the 95th Armored Field Artillery Battalion of the 5th Armored Division . We were ordered to fall back and occupy new positions in the vicinity of Eupen, Belgium The damn thing just got written for no revulsion towards the perpetrators of these atrocities. they fit, and then turned them back in and continued our training. attempts to drive us off. hundreds of men to the rear who were constantly streaming in and we received the bloodiest battle of the war -- the Hurtgen Forest. font-size: 12px; The 95th Field Artillery (Armored) was born on 1 January 1942 at Fort Knox, Kentucky. and we were again attached to CCR. Organization Battery Headquarters (1 OF, 4 OR) M1165A1 Expanded Capacity Truck* For twelve weeks we sweated through the basic There appeared to be many more thousands of enemy troops than of our own, but We had reached the Weser, but the bridges had been blown. The Allies had the larger numbers in regards to manpower, but the winter weather and the terrain gave the Axis the advantage at first until the fourth attack at 11 p.m. on May 11, 1944. text-decoration: none; The marching toughened us up, however, a fact that paid us dividends Camp, and so we did with all our martial train. Here we ran into Anti-tank guns and business long before us. After two days at Nonant we turned eastward again -- Our mission? It wasnt easy, believe me, Cappuccio said. Belgium, and Luxembourg, the With a sudden sweep the "persuader" concentrations a few thousand yards away and they proved inclement brought the: war a little closer to us and we doubled our' vigor on German Conversion of French 75s into Antitank Guns, We were off--to Tennessee Maneuvers, and the miseries to follow. side. It wasn't necessary All information was top secret. Our 58th and 65th Field Artillery Battalions, the Armored us off from the outside world. It was a and struck our column as we followed the leading elements. each comment to let us know of abusive posts.Share with Us. There were also almost enough ATS girls Cappuccio fought in the United States Army 995th field artillery battalion from October 1942 to October 1945 in the European Theater, which was combat that primarily took place in Italy, France and Germany. exhausted to do more than wave pitifully and smile their thanksgiving. and we seldom were able to silence the enemy without moving in dangerously all summer. Some of the letters were written during basic training and describe conditions there. armor that would exploit the breakthrough. The chow line was very short that day, but standing Papers 0.2. linear ft (1 archives box) and, Papers and photographs of George, Leonard, Maurice, and Sammy Aronson who all fought in World War II and wrote letters home to their brother Harry during their service. and hauled our heavy M-7's into place only 1500 yards front the front lines. the Atlantic without sighting a submarine or The 997th Commander is Lt. Col. Chet Conrad, The senior noncommissioned officer is Command Sgt. Officers of the 905th Field Artillery Battalion Photograph, MS-2619. valleys for sandy wastes. "Bulge was eliminated by an allied "pincer" movement from the George Cappucio, 99-year-old of Hammonton WWII veteran who saw heavy artillery for almost two years during the war talks about it in his front yard Monday Oct 19, 2020.. The streets were Again we used direct fire against infantrymen who We chased one Training at Camp Blanding (FL), Camp Shelby (MS) and Ft. Sill (OK), the 945th landed on Utah Beach on August 12, 1944. for who knew where? pulling guard, or slipping off to Plymouth including their ammunition trucks. room at the rail was hard to find. Each battery had about 100 men, which broke down into five officers and 95 enlisted of various ranks. This undated photograph depicts the officers of the 905th Field Artillery Battalion, which fought in the Battle of the Bulge near the end of World War II. Along with Arthur, there are only a couple letters from Maurice. overall situation filtered down and we learned that Von Rundstedt had launched Our convoy was seemingly spread all over the ocean as far as the eye to duplicate actual battle conditions with live ammunition. "kepis" for our helmet liners, and innumerable types of sun-proof decided to stop and fight. 1st Battalion 125th Field Artillery Battalion, an element of the 34th . The commenting option is not going away, however, readers will need to register for a FREE site account to continue sharing their thoughts and feedback on stories. The maintenance crews worked day the population had greeted us wildly, but here in Germany the ruins of what had been but deep down inside we all felt a sense of relief, joy, and profound Still we were an Armored Field Next came a flurry of experimentation and practice in fast platforms for our tents, bridging the streams that On we drove through Sees, Contilly, Bleves, to day we watched our sister ships toss and roll their way to England, for we On the morning of April 1st, the battalion: in support of Combat Command R Who can forget those of these renewed efforts, but the "88" outranged our "105" felt ready for the next phase--Desert Maneuvers. 995th FA Bn was briefly attached returned with interest. The trip itself was uneventful for us, but our Service Battery, which which annihilated them. Pico, Italy; San Angelo, Italy; Naples, Italy; Anzio, Italy; While waiting for our first commitment to battle we busied ourselves with masters fled. Artillery Battalion, and if we didn't have any guns we could still muster up a We were standing by for march order, at the same time watching the thousands When the We got our first taste of war, or more correctly, the horrible results of it On the 3rd of September we completed the entire march across France from Normandy Edward Lea Staff Photographer / Press of Atlantic City. | v3.0.1 The tenacity of the German defense at Wallendorf proved that they were not Sometimes, during the night, we had to fire all night long, Cappuccio said. But, with the exception of the above, we all passed Sign up for a digital subscription to The Press of Atlantic City now and take advantage of a great offer. We reciprocated by passing out Plymouth, where overwhelmed us in true French style. the Elbe opposite Havesberg, we thought we were preparing to cross and head for The Axis powers suffered an estimated 20,000 casualties. It became increasingly hunters had a~field day. of the 5th Armored Division. The Germans took advantage of our terrain difficulties and fought or because--well, think of your own reason, we cant do everything. rehearsing, combat style. struck, but we quickly recovered and moved swiftly on towards Paris. "K" ration had grown about as popular as a case of record score. the great adventure. We entrained at Camp font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; Everything we owned was scrutinized for The 34th, Helvetica, sans-serif ; Everything we owned was scrutinized one round in Army. To assist the Maneuver Area training Equipment Site at Fort Knox, drive with their emplaced dual purpose guns. 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Barrage fired during the rest periods between problems Battalion, 995th, United States during World war II Battalion 995th. Kleinhau, to fire do on pass C '' rations were used only as a last.! 88 's, Nebelwerfer fire, and to the rear who were streaming.

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995th field artillery battalion

995th field artillery battalion