servandae vitae mendacium

Eodem collyrio mederi omnibus -- To cure all by the same ointment. Natus sum; esuriebam, qurebam; nunc repletas requiesco -- I was born; I felt hungry, and sought for food; now that I am satiated, I lay me down to rest. Ad majorem Dei gloriam -- To the greater glory of God (M. of the Jesuits). -- Happy they who steadily pursue a middle course. A sick man acts foolishly for himself who makes his doctor his heir. Do you want to translate text, files, tickets, emails, etc.? He is a wise man who adapts himself to all contingencies; the fool struggles like a swimmer against the stream. Novos amicos dum paras, veteres cole -- While you seek new friendships, take care to cultivate the old. Natura naturata -- Nature passive; nature formed. Ipse dixit -- He himself (viz. Novus homo -- A new man; a man risen from obscurity. Permissu superiorum -- By permission of the superiors. Don't celebrate your triumph before you have conquered. Pedibus timor addidit alas -- Fear gave wings to his feet. Le savoir faire -- Knowing how to act; ability. Communicate smoothly and use a free online translator to translate text, words, phrases, or documents between 90+ language pairs. The leaf falls to earth, so also does beauty. for Nemine contradicente -- Nobody opposing. Wait for an email with the quote and estimated deadline shortly, The multilanguage translation is available only for the registered customers, Create a free account now or Log in to proceed, Our price for document translation is $0.07 per word for editable/copyable text or $25 per page for non-editable/non-copyable documents (i.e., scanned documents, images), Request a quote for presentation translation. Non sequitur -- It does not follow; an unwarranted inference. Te Deum laudamus -- We praise Thee, O God. Le nombre des sages sera toujours petit -- The wise will always be few in number. Ni trop haut, ni trop bas; c'est le souverain style. Committunt multi eadem diverso crimina fato, / Ille crucem sceleris pretium tulerit, hic diadema -- How different the fate of men who commit the same crimes! This entry needs to be proofread. Though the wound is healed, a scar remains. Charbonnier est matre chez soi -- A coalheaver's house is his castle. On termine de longs procs / Par un peu de guerre civile. For a common man to mutter what he thinks is a risky venture. Don't be what you are not, but resolutely be what you can. 04:37 !. Mare clo miscere -- To confound sea and sky. A troublesome and annoying crowd of visitors. Magnum est argumentum in utroque fuisse moderatum. Suppressio veri -- Suppression of what is true. Alia tentanda via est -- We must try another way. Neque culpa neque lauda teipsum -- Neither blame nor praise yourself. Let the experiment be made on some worthless body. Linguam compescere, virtus non minima est -- To restrain the tongue is not the least of the virtues. Etiam sanato vulnere cicatrix manet -- Though the wound is healed, a scar remains. Le cri d'un peuple heureux est la seule loquence qui doit parler des rois -- The acclaim of a happy people is the only eloquence which ought to speak in the behalf of kings. Stultitiam dissimulare non potes nisi taciturnitate, Stultitiam simulare loco, sapientia summa est. Quid turpius quam sapientis vitam ex insipientis sermone pendere? Nora's excavation immediately uncovers two murder victims buried at the site, faces and hands obliterated with acid to erase their identities. A solis ortu usque ad occasum -- From where the sun rises to where it sets. Kalend Grc -- Never (literally the Greek Kalends). To be despised is more galling to a foolish man than to be whipped. FR. The conquered one weeps, the conqueror is ruined. A mens et thoro -- From bed and board; divorced. Latitat -- He lurks; a writ of summons (Law). In the woods, his attention is caught by a beautiful huntress, Calisto the daughter of King Lycaon. Circuitus verborum -- A roundabout story or expression. De gustibus non disputandum -- There is no disputing about tastes. Aura popularis -- Popular favour (literally breeze). Browse You might be interested in these references tools: Notice This definition of Mendacium is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . Rex non potest fallere nec falli -- The king cannot deceive or be deceived. Corpus Christi -- Festival in honour of the Eucharist or body of Christ. Coram non judice -- Before one who is not a judge. Non omnis error stultitia est dicendus -- Not every error is to be called folly. Spolia opima -- The richest of the spoil. Grave senectus est hominibus pondus -- Old age is a heavy burden to man. Populus vult decipi; decipiatur -- The people wish to be deceived; then let them. Necessity is the mother of invention (literally the arts). It smells of the lamp, or midnight study. Genus irritabile vatum -- The sensitive tribe of poets. Insipientis est dicere, Non putarem -- It is the part of a fool to say, "I should not have thought so.". Intelligabilia, non intellectum, fero -- I provide you with things intelligible, but not with intelligence. Dulce est miseris socios habuisse doloris. -- Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue? No burden is really heavy to a man which necessity lays on him. De hoc multi multa, omnes aliquid, nemo satis -- Of this many have said many things, all something, no one enough. Honores mutant mores -- Honours change manners. De omnibus rebus, et quibusdam aliis -- About everything, and certain things else. This change effects a great saving of time (literally life). English words for mendacium include lie, falsehood, untruth, fabrication and story. Emeritus -- One retired from active official duties. Attend to (literally do) what you are doing. Against the evil of death there is no remedy in the garden. Entzwei und gebiete! Relever des bagatelles -- To give importance to trifles. Ne plus ultra -- What cannot be surpassed; perfection (literally no more beyond). Universus mundus exercet histrioniam -- All the world practises the player's art. Salva dignitate -- Without compromising one's dignity. He turned historian that he might still play the orator. A lie, untruth, falsehood, fiction. So many servants you maintain, so many enemies. A smooth or blank tablet; a blank surface. [Greek: Anr ho pheugn kai palin machsetai], Animus homini, quicquid sibi imperat, obtinet. Ignis fatuus -- A deceiving light; a "Will-o'-the-wisp.". Tecum habita -- Live with yourself; keep within your means. The poverty which oppresses a great people is a grievous and intolerable evil. numerat; Geo. Sint ut sunt, aut non sint -- Let them be as they are, or not at all. Me miseram, quod amor non est medicabilis herbis! From a single instance you may infer the whole. i.e., leave off touching up. Tantum vertice in auras / Aetherias quantum radice in Tartara tendit. Veni, Creator Spiritus -- Come, Creator Spirit. "That's what humans do. Pro hac vice -- For this turn; on this occasion. Copia verborum -- Superabundance of words. In Greek he is the most accomplished Grecian, and in Latin the most thorough Latinist. Homo multi consilii et optimi -- A man always ready to give his advice, and that the most judicious. Contextual translation of "veritas mendacium" into English. Ignoramus -- An ignorant person (literally we are ignorant). for Nemine dissentiente -- Same as above. Pecuniam perdidisti: fortasse illa te perderet manens -- You have lost your money; perhaps, if you had kept it, it would have lost you. diss., abbrev. ab his fontibus profluxi ad hominum famam, starting from these beginnings I reached glory, aut (hunc) nunc cogitare aut molitum aliquando aliquid putas, adeo atroces in has rogationes nostras cohortati sunt, ad hunc se confestim a Pulione omnis multitudo convertit, the whole mass of enemies immediately turns against him, forgetting Pullo, habeat ergo huius tanti facti testimonium, ad huius libri institutum illa nihil pertinent, they (= definitions) have no relationship with the object of this work, ad hunc interficiundum (= interficiendum) talem iniit rationem, ad eum postridie mane vadebam, cum haec scripsi, I wrote this letter to you the morning after, before going to him, ad hanc rationem extremam necessariam devenio, to resort to this extreme and necessary measure, that the high commend of the war was entrusted to this man, ad hanc urbem quam e suis faucibus ereptam esse luget, towards this city that he deplores was taken away from his clutches, ad haec extrema et inimicissima iura decurrebas, you resorted to these extreme and hateful legal means, ad leniendam invidiam intercessit his verbis, for the purpose of diminishing hate he spoke these words, I guarantee (to you) that the entire book corresponds to this essay, hae litterae hoc quantum est ex Sicilia frumenti hornotini exaraverunt, a quo haec omnis, quae est de vita et de moribus, philosophia manavit, (Socrates) from whom all this phylosophy pertinent to tradition and behaviour comes from, ad naturam saeculorum ac respectum immensi huius aevi, compared to the real duration of centuries and considering this immense period, ad eam sententiam cum reliquis causis haec quoque ratio eos deduxit, what pushed them to that decision, aside from the other grounds, was the following reason, an haec inter se iungi copularique possint, ad Brutum nostrum hos libros alteros quinque mitto, to dedicate this series of of books to the friend Brutus, aequius huic Turnum fuerat se opponere morti, ad hanc notionem nihil video quod potius accommodem, quam , from this notion I dont see a better conclusion than , ad reliquos labores etiam hanc molestiam adsumo, bona huic omnia utenda ac possidenda tradiderat, ad hanc (regulam) omnem vitam tuam exaequa, ad haec extrema iura tam cupide decurrebas, ut , you hurried to resort to this extreme law with so much fervour that , ad huius vitae studium meditati illi sunt qui feruntur labores tui, to this kind of life your efforts have been directed, accidit huic ut inconsideratior in secunda quam in adversa esset fortuna, he happened to show himself reckless in good rather than in bad luck, accedendum huc ; Venus haec volo adroget te, hae disciplinae si sibi consentaneae velint esse, avidum hominem ad has discendi epulas recepi, ad haec visa auditaque clamor ingens oritur, to this performance, to this words, screams rise, altius his nihil est; haec sunt fastigia mundi, hae meae tibi ineptiae fateor enim ferendae sunt, amissis sacris paternis in haec adoptiva venisti, ad referendam gratiam fides non cessat hanc pervellamus, ab his complures de improviso vulnerati proelio excedebant, many (of ours), suddenly injured by them, abandoned the fight, iam hunc non ausim praeterire quin consistam et conloquar, Catilinam huic urbi ferro flammaque minitantem, cape hoc flabellum ventulum huic sic facito, ceterae species in haec tria incident genera, classes centuriasque et hunc ordinem ex censu descripsit, callidum quendam hunc et nulla in re tironem, ubi ea causa, quam ob rem haec faciunt, erit adempta. The first step towards wisdom is to distinguish what is false. Multo plures satietas quam fames perdidit viros. Last Update: 2022-07-30 The remedy is worse than the disease (literally the disorder increases with the remedy). An dives sit omnes qurunt, nemo an bonus -- Every one inquires if he is rich; no one asks if he is good. Usque ad aras -- To the very altars; to the last extremity. Nemo ita pauper vivit, quam pauper natus est -- No one is so poor in life as he was when he was at birth. What has been always, been everywhere, and been by all believed. Aranearum telas texere -- To weave spiders' webs, i.e., a tissue of sophistry. Hic finis fandi -- Here let the conversation end. Terminus ad quem -- The point of destination. Habere et dispertire -- To have and to distribute. Casus belli -- A cause for war; originally, fortune of war. Minor est quam servus, dominus qui servos timet -- A master who fears his servants is lower than a servant. 21. 2 et civitatem sanctam Hierusalem novam vidi descendentem de caelo a Deo paratam sicut sponsam ornatam viro suo. To be in great straits (literally to pull the devil by the tail). -- This is the difficulty (literally here the water (in the water-clock) stops). Comitas inter gentes -- Courtesy between nations. If any one, i.e., has objections to offer. What more discreditable than to estimate the life of a wise man from the talk of a fool? Mieux vaut voir un chien enrag, qu'un soleil chaud en Janvier -- Better see a mad dog than a hot sun in January. Locus sigili -- The place for the seal; pointed out in documents by the letters L.S. In futuro -- In future; at a future time. Info servande vita mendacium servandae vitae mendacium Last Update: 2022-03-09 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous vita mendacium life is a lie Last Update: 2021-09-21 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous servandae vita mendacium nemini dixeris Last Update: 2022-07-30 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous Believe that you have it, and you have it. Ad rem -- To the point (literally to the thing). On everything knowable and some other matters. Totus mundus exercet histrioniam -- All the world acts the player. Festival in honour of the Eucharist or body of Christ. Argumentum ad ignorantiam -- An argument founded on the ignorance of an adversary. De motu proprio -- From the suggestion of one's own mind; spontaneously. Karl Ernst Georges: Ausfhrliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwrterbuch. I was born; I felt hungry, and sought for food; now that I am satiated, I lay me down to rest. Truth is mighty, and will in the end prevail. Tertium quid -- A third something, produced by the union or interaction of two opposites. Thy will be done though the heavens should fall. Non multa, sed multum -- Not many things, but much. For the same villany one man goes to the gallows, and another is raised to a throne. Alter remus aquas, alter mihi radat arenas. The golden age (literally the reign of Saturn) is returning. A master who fears his servants is lower than a servant. Sine cortica natare -- To swim without bladders. Excepto quod non simul esses, ctera ltus -- Except that you were not with me, in other respects I was happy. Il y va de la vie -- Life depends on it; it is a matter of life or death. Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas -- Plato is my friend, but truth is my divinity (literally more a friend). Ille vir, haud magna cum re, sed plenus fidei -- He is a man, not of large fortune, but full of good faith. Verba ligant homines, taurorum cornua funes -- Words bind men, cords the horns of bulls. The mind of man can accomplish whatever it resolves on. Usage Frequency: 1 In the night is counsel; take a night to think over it; sleep upon it. Une grande me est au-dessus de l'injustice, de la douleur, de la moquerie; et elle seroit invulnrable si elle ne souffroit par la compassion. Clarum et venerabile nomen -- An illustrious and honoured name. Ad Grcas kalendas -- At the Greek calends, i.e., never. Long enough for the demands both of nature or of glory. The refusal of praise often proceeds from a desire to have it repeated. Ex vitulo bos fit -- From a calf an ox grows up. From what has happened we may infer what may happen. Ultimum moriens -- The last to die or disappear. PROPRIUM ORDINIS PRDICATORUM. Obiter dicta -- Remarks by the way; passing remarks. A literary period in Germany, the productions of which were inspired by a love of strong passion and violent action. Maximus in minimis -- Very great in very little things. Usque ad nauseam -- Till one is utterly sick of it. In perpetuam rei memoriam -- In everlasting remembrance of a thing. In loco parentis -- In the place of a parent. Ultimatum -- A final proposition or condition. Caput mundi -- The head of the world, i.e., Rome, both ancient and modern. All bad precedents have had their rise in good beginnings. Nec non eadem opera, Christianae vitae simplicitas, 5 temperantia, frugalitas, denique arcta illa atque angusta via, quae ducit ad vitam, laudatur. Vi et armis -- By force and arms; by main force. Si vis pacem, para bellum -- If you wish for peace, be ready for war. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Decipit / Frons prima multos -- First appearances deceive many. [Greek: Anr ho pheugn kai palin machsetai] -- The man who runs away will fight again. Mind what you are about (literally do this). Sub silentio -- In silence, i.e., without notice being taken. docet astra -- Grammar speaks; dialectics teaches us truth; rhetoric gives colouring to our speech; music sings; arithmetic reckons; geometry measures; astronomy teaches us the stars. He who grieves before it is necessary, grieves more than is necessary. Parvula scintilla spe magnum suscitavit incendium. loquitur; Dia. Alieni temporis flores -- Flowers of other days. Cacothes loquendi -- An itch for talking. Ad patres -- Dead; to death (literally to the fathers). Oculis magis habenda fides quam auribus -- It is better to trust to our eyes than our ears. Quod erat demonstrandum -- Which was to be proved. The world wishes to be deceived; therefore let it be deceived. Facsimile -- An engraved resemblance of a man's handwriting; an exact copy of anything (literally do the like). Contemni est gravius stultiti quam percuti -- To be despised is more galling to a foolish man than to be whipped. Il est aux anges -- He is supremely happy (literally with the angels). An illusion, counterfeit. Sit tibi terra levis -- May earth lie light upon thee. Magister dixit -- The master has said so. An evil-disposed orator subverts the laws. Fit scelus indulgens per nubila scula virtus -- In times of trouble leniency becomes crime. -- To change the subject abruptly; to talk at cross purposes. Written testimony remains, but oral perishes. The generality of mankind have not the courage to correct others, because they have not themselves the courage to bear correction. Salva conscientia -- Without compromise of conscience. Exceptio probat regulam -- The exception proves the rule. Quocirca vivite fortes / Fortiaque adversis opponite pectora rebus. To fit words to things, i.e., call a spade a spade. Non aqua, sed ruina -- Not with water, but with ruin. Been created collecting TMs from the suggestion of one 's own mind ; spontaneously things but... 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Life or death honour of the Eucharist or body of Christ contemni est gravius stultiti quam percuti to.

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servandae vitae mendacium

servandae vitae mendacium