once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

Emma obligingly moved next to her, trying to ignore her now whirling thoughts at their closeness, and Lily opened the book across both of their laps. Snow, Faye, and I had to work on it quickly since you decided to come early. Great, he said enthusiastically. Lily had been lying to her. She knew shed made the Leaky Cauldron owner suspicious so she couldnt risk going back to Diagon Alley too soon. She looked through the peep and opened the door when she recognized, Leroy?, The dwarf somehow looked worse than he had in Hogsmeade the first time theyd met. I know you can. A contemplative silence fell over them as they leaned against the cool stone and the night breeze swept around them. Sometimes wild dementors come near Hogwarts through the Forbidden Forest or to Hogsmeade, a village nearby. Papis family primarily breeds Paso Finosof both the winged and the nonmagical varieties. Regina walked up to the door and grasped hold of the doorknob. Emma - Summer before Year 4Regina - Summer before Year 5. Id like that to be the lock for the first compartment and for it to appear to be the lock on the other two as well., Understood. The room was beautiful and the beds looked super comfy. Yes, she, uh, she helps out at the school I go to. Dont leave! the desperation in her voice caused Emma to freeze and so did Regina. ! Emma asked, beginning to panic. I pulled back with a sudden motion and tried to get Emma to look at me and listen to what I was saying to her. Its good to see you too., Tina rolled her eyes and lightly smacked Reginas arm, If you think were gonna talk about my vacation before we talk about your duel with your mother, youre crazy!. She still didnt know what to do about how well known her parents were or that she now could find out some stuff about them, even if she was still trying to figure out exactly how to do that. It must have some holes in it by now, Ill fix them up for you.. Luckily, she recovered well enough and the captain ordered all the bludgers to be caught and locked up again. Good idea! David replied and they formed a loose half circle before slowly backing towards the door. To be told how everyone knew I would be able to do it because Im their kid and how theyd be proud of me? Nearly everyone tries out a few before finding the right one.. She chewed the end of her quill as she thought. You were walking around with your father Henry in the gardens with your (son/daughter) held tightly in your arms. She did have the presence of mind to yell, One more! she didnt need to hear Emmas response, she knew the other girl would be cursing. She carefully poured 45 ML of the potion into a small glass cup before stopping the bottle with a spruce cork. Thatll be good. I said quickly, avoiding her gaze. It was starting to feel like magic was just a pretty dream. Killed by giants trying to treat with them.. Anything to help., Ms. Sapphire continued to smile at her, Here, lets go behind the store and Ill apparate us where we need to go., Ms. Sapphire went first down a side street and Emma followed. Four galleons barely covers the price of the other ingredients, its not one Ive ever even brewed before, and you havent told me what you want it for. Really? Shes put years into perfecting it.. I went to sleep on the usual spot, but I got used to being close, so I moved to her to snuggle. She began by pointing out Polaris, and then the few summer constellations theyd studied at the end of the year. Youve never called yourself anything but Emma Swan. And she was concerned before.. Regina shrugged and stood up, curious as to how strong it was. Henry joined us and eventually, we reserved a room with three single beds and a big balcony. More than her confession, we need proof. Oh, god, Regina, Kathryn said, looking pale. Memories of Papi, of Daniel, of Potions making successes, of Quidditch, of Mal, of hanging out with her friends. her first real steps as a witch. And Mr. Gold, she said calmly and at that point I was inches away from losing my composure. Emma had believed her. She approached cautiously but too soon she was next to the open coffin. We have some pictures, you wanna see? Ruby asked, eagerly, knowing how much she liked looking at photos of her own mother. Cora sniffed and gave her a look Regina recognized, it was the are you sure you belong in Ravenclaw because you clearly have learned nothing from me look. I hope you like it! I laughed at that with her and with renewed courage, I let my arm settle on her stomach. Or you could just actually pay attention for once instead of trying to wing it, she snapped, her patience vanishing quickly. Emma took Ms. Sapphires arm, feeling as though shed missed something. Whoever had the pillow would answer a question from whoever sent it to them and then would pose a question to whoever they sent it to. Regina knew what would happen when they burst. Wow, we dont have any flying horses. All she remembered was the house elfs quiet, high voice saying, Buenas noches, que suees con los angelitos.. Nooo, Mom. Henry protested instantly, I wanted an own bed, he whined. Your parents were heroes! I dont know why you didnt tell anyone about them anyways. His breath stank of fire whiskey. He wanted me to try again to fix it.. Yes, in its raw form. And even if youre Adrians brother, I dont actually know you. It was one thing to help out someone who might have been a teammate, on her house teamit was another to help out another random student. As a beater, she said dismissively, but with enough of a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she knew Emma would be able to tell she was mostly kidding. None of your business., Emma did laugh this time as she flew around to Reginas other side to try to meet her gaze. Regina X female reader. He didnt try to give Regina a hug, shed never met him, but he was somber and respectful. Did he used to teach at Durmstrang? I think he thought his dad was still in Scandinavia though so he thought this trip would be safe. Put up adverts and such? Regina joked. Regina wondered, but didnt ask. Regina slid her wand back into her sleeve. How come I dont know you from Hogwarts? Im, uh, I dont have parents., Mr. Munozs eyes widened and he looked stricken, Oh, Im so sorry. The goblin relocked the vault and returned her key to her. Finally, after getting past both the regular trunks and the luxury ones, she reached the ones with magical enhancements of various kinds beyond typical shrinking stability charms, lightweight charms and so on. Emma pulled out the map Leroy had given her, Well start heading to the minethe pond with the valerian flowers is on the way.. And Papi has always told me that they are worth learning about, seeing as they make up the majority of the human population. They are not why Im me! Emma nodded. Sequel to Magical Misfire. Now, why dont you take a seat, sweetheart? The students were also entertained by the unexpected Ravenclaw score lead since Gryffindor had come in second last year to Slytherin in the House Cup. Its okay, Regina whispered back, memorizing the feel of her arms around Emma. Even fire respected Reginas anger. I dont remember us loosing a ton of house points, another chaser said. I apologize for that, I merely didnt want to risk any communication being intercepted.. Yeah, why?, Hi, she said. I think I finally found what we need.. Regina brewed the potion with a fury, concocting it perfectly to do what she wanted it to. She was sentenced today, life imprisonment in Azkaban. Now her job wasnt to make sure she caught it, but to make sure the snitch was caught as soon as possible before they lost their lead. Are you sure? he reached over and took her bridle. Can you access them?, Regina nodded, Yes, I canI can show you to her vault., Regina had them follow her upstairs to the large drawing room Cora used primarily for entertaining and impressing allies. Emmas breath puffed against her neck and Emma said, Is this okay?, Yes, Regina said, and if her voice seemed more breathless than usual, well they were flying. Them? He snorted softly, but stopped moving closer. Sure enough, a couple minutes later he stopped by to give her the drink she ordered. Emma automatically, reached out, clasping each of Reginas arms and helping her to the ground to sit. There is something else. She seems to have sped up her plans for gaining greater control over the Ministry and my place in that plan appears less and less necessary to her. She had a horrible decision she needed to make and she had laid awake every night trying to decide what to do. That was potentially a good sign. Shes killed people before, Regina admitted, also for the first time. I dont really have a lot of plans over the summer.. Sloooower Emma said in a bad imitation of Reginas voice that nevertheless caused Ruby to laugh. That curse? If I have any pointers, I can let you know and if not, well, itll only be for an afternoonnot like it made anything worse., Regina rolled her eyes, My time is exceedingly valuable. Emma would have taken offense if she hadnt realized Regina was joking. As Emma finished her sentence, I looked at Henry and we had identical furrowed brows, having no idea what the conclusion would be. She can barely pay attentionand she never listens! Regina complained. And its says it works best when coupled with a specific potion. Regina perked up at that and gestured for the book. Here? Reginas spine went completely rigid and she could feel her magic flare up. She's torn between her dragon desires and the feelings she has toward the girl. He lets me practice on my own now though since Ive mastered the basics., Regina hoped that meant he wasnt going with her because he was worried she didnt know what she was doing. She was looking at me and around herself as she tried to mimic some movements. Rubys question was cut off when the curtain moved on its own and threw both witches back and onto the floor. Ill take the demiguise hair and the payment upfront though. She could barely keep from punching him in his smug face like a muggle brawler. This was especially obvious seeing as he was only in his pants and vest. Wheres your practice gear? Isha asked, swooping low to hover just above her head. So much is out of order and dirty., Dilly squeaked and shook her head, Meaning no disrespect, Miss Emma, truly., Emma smiled, Of course you didntand the place is in bad shape. She wondered if that was the cause of the whispers or if they knew, despite her mothers best efforts, that the rest of her fathers family barely associated with them after her father married her mother. We live in Spain though, so it was the easiest option. My name is Regina Navar., Daniel Colter, he said, eyes widening slightly at her last name and realizing who she was. And some wouldnt even care about the muggles., She created a special spell. Something fell off of it and landed on the floor with a bang. As we were putting the gifts under the Christmas tree, at one point I noticed Reginas somewhat sad expression. A Gryffindor first year Emma had never met before came up to Emma and tugged on her robes to get her attention, Is it true your mum could take out three wizards in ten seconds with her long-distance stunners?, Then the Slytherin boy whod come over with her and looked similar enough that they might be siblings chimed in, I heard your dad could disarm someone so hard that their wand would fly ten meters when hit., Both of them were very excited and looked questioningly at her, as if expecting her to know. Emma gave her a shaky smile and took a hearty swallow of tea, Sorry, I just never thought that I would Professor McGonagall said they didnt have any family left and so I figured there werent any pictures. A triumphant grin broke across the older girls face as a loud whoop from Isha could be heard and Regina felt a smile grow on her lips as her team flew together. I know, but I wouldnt mind taking on an additional student for tutoring, if I could schedule my time more effectively. She could see he was considering it, but she would bet anything he would object to that argument by saying that there was a reason third years didnt tutor four students as he had explained when she first started tutoring. I wanted to make sure you were okay. The room all the way at the end of the hall, its small but serviceable. Fine, so that you can quiz me in the morning., Kathryn smiled, Dont be mad, Navar, youre leading just about every other class., Regina rolled her eyes, but her aloof attitude was ruined by another yawn. A pathetic whimper sailed through the quiet house and, much to her dismay, Regina found that Emma Swan being the culprit did little to dissuade her concern. Can I uh- Can I kiss you?. Ill come find you next Hogsmeade visit. Emma turned around completely, glad for an excuse to stop looking at the figures. All four of them stood up to follow August and he lead them a street or two over from the main High Street until they stopped outside Marcos Handyman & Woodworking Services. Youve been, right?, Ruby nodded, Yeah a couple times over winter break, Granny takes me with her when she visits friends and stuff. She didnt sound particularly happy about it, which surprised Emma since normally Ruby liked going with Granny places. His eyes narrowed and he twirled his wand in his hand, In fact, I dont think you deserve your wand any more than mudbloods do.. So much for a fun summerher only friend had abandoned her. If she wanted to escape from Mother after Hogwarts, shed need money and her belongings because the first thing Mother would do if she disobeyed was cut her off. Maybe Mother had told him he had to help or he would get in troublethat still didnt mean she had to like it though. She stifled a yawn as she took it out. Emma nodded to acknowledge shed heard the other witch, but she didnt move. Right. Navigating her training is difficult enough, but she also has to deal with a shady older surgeon named Dr. Gold, who treats her poorly. I swear if I hadnt been on some remote island, Thank you, dear Regina said, flushing lightly at the enthusiastic greeting, small part of her still marveled at having friends who are so open with their affection the way Tina was. Long, she scowled more fiercely than Regina had ever seen. Emma ran back to her room she was currently sharing, grabbing her bag, and Paint jumping onto her shoulder as she did so. Patronum!. And then, without either remembering moving, they were locked in a tight embrace. Wed need a confession to move against their estate., Thats what we figured, Emma said, speaking for the first time since the conversation got serious. But she covers her tracks. Emma hastily moved on to her main excuse, Oh, well, I still dont think I can gowherever you live., Oh! he hit his forehead lightly. That should definitely help then, using the original spell information I mean, Mary Margaret put in. Somehow, the photographs moving was stranger than the oil paintings. Expecto Patronum! Emma called out, louder than Regina had expected and brought her thoughts back to focus on what they were doing. I hate it. Team? Emma asked, she was still trying to keep up with all the new information she was constantly hearing on a daily basis. What about the Quidditch museum? Still, each house is named for a founder of the school and the members of the house are said to be similar to the personality of each founder., For Gryffindor, bravery and action mattered most. Okay, here, Leroy turned to the front table and grabbed a piece of paper. Im a werewolf.. Even the teachers were part of it. I dont know if anyone will want to take on Cora Navars daughter. Yup. If shes k-killed Papi though There is no other way. Regina was on her way to the third-year dorms when the door to one of the fifth-years dorm opened up and someone stepped into the doorway, Regina Navar?, Regina looked over to see a boy with dark hair leaning against the doorjamb. "Ah-ha!" I think everyone was shocked at how much she had done, how many laws she broke, people enslaved and murdered under their very noses. Did you not think I would seek every way to protect my heart?. He told me a lot of stories about constellations, but he only recently started to teach me the more academic side., Nice, Daniel said, sitting up to look at her better. Scared and alone, Regina accepts comfort from Emma. Regina carefully poured the potion into the passion fruit tea shed had a house elf bring her a while ago. She wrung her hands, Mother wants me to work at the Ministry., Kathryn nodded because she was fairly certain thats what her parents expected to, Well forget about that. Yeah, Ruby said, but she didnt sound happy about it. She turned back to the teenagers, Im sorry but I really must be going. The snitch was now racing along the very bottom of the of the field, so close she adjusted her feet so they wouldnt skim the ground. I cant imagine Mother teaching me like that. Its really uncomfortable dealing with the hearts, but at the same time, its feels really good to finally being doing something with them and actually work towards restoring them to their proper owners. I- Emma, can we please have a word in the study?. It had a built-in mechanism which pricked her palm. So what do you need to do to become one?, Oh, its super complicated. But I thought there might be another way. Theres this program for foster kids that my foster family managed to get me enrolled in. What he said next though, did catch her by surprise, What I had the most suspicions about were you., Not of you being involved in Dark activities, he was quick to reassure her. We started dancing and at one point, she placed her hand on the middle of my back and dipped me. Ive been riding since I was little. Of course I wanted to thank the mysterious and very generous person who was giving it to her., Oh, Regina looked supremely confused before she tried to pull on her more usual expression. Of course, you didnt, Reginas voice lost a great deal of its edge. Regina needed to figure out a way around these nightmares. Regina was content to wait with Emma for about twenty minutes until Emma finally spoke up. May 31, 2022 . What are you doing here?, Leroy came and got me, Emma explained and Sapphires face contorted in rage as she looked around for the aforementioned dwarf. Shed researched all day in between transfiguration practice and charms work. Do you know why I worry Ill turn into my mother? *a/n I know I'm sorry its late but here it is another one. Itd been a little lonely since MM and David started going on little dates around the castle on the weekends and so shed been hanging out with Ruby more often. Wow, thanks! Ruby gratefully accepted the fruit and began peeling it immediately. Amelia is very powerful, even more so than her mother. Is he working today?, The man in his mid-thirties gave Emma a cold and belligerent look, Who wants to know?. Thats what wed like to know too, one of the witches said. Suddenly, the man was back, arms full of boxes which he set down on his counter. Emma thought they looked like something an old-fashioned hotel might have to hold keys although these contained small boxes. Good night, I said confusedly and decided not to go after her. Emma found herself pushed off on a bench to the side. Regina took a deep breath and said, A Dark Witch. What now? Emma asked as she squinted in the bright light of Diagon Alley, trying to adjust back to the sound of a busy London instead of the hushed halls of the bank. Then herelet me write a quick note for her and then you can get her.. I forced back a smile. That made the both of us laugh and I went to sit on the bed next to her. Mary Margaret was beaming, David looked as awkward as she felt, and Ruby had brought up her hand to cover her face. He wanted to personally invite you to join the dueling club., Yeah, Ruby nodded. I dont like having my tutoring sessions at different times all the different days. This was true, it was annoying having her sessions on Monday at 3:30, Wednesdays at 6:00 and Saturdays at 10:00. Regina soon realized it was a large dog with thick fur. Did you use an invisibility potion to sneak into the Slytherin girls dormitory to spy on Miss Lavenza?, Iit wasnt supposed to Whale sputtered, it was impossible to tell if his face was red, due to the pink and green splotches that covered it, but Regina would have bet that it was. Eventually, he caught up to them at the Three Broomsticks after theyd just finished enjoying their first, in Emma and Davids cases, butterbeers. She really was there and it made me wonder if she embraced me on purpose or just in her sleep because in that case I would have stayed still and quiet so I wouldnt wake her up. Why she didnt just get me to come to her Ill never understand. What could she possibly be after? Emma tried to focus on what McGonagall was saying. Come on, Regina. When he got to them, he placed it on the table and faced Emma. She held out her arm for Emma to take. This is all a big mistake and Im going to be in so muchher thoughts abruptly stopped when there was a distinct clicking noise and the box lid swung up and opened before her disbelieving eyes. Also, there are variations. The Fishers just dont like it when I go places by myself, the downsides to having a foster family that seems to give a damn, ha ha. Here is the White key box. Eventually it was time and Emma began heading for the caf to meet Ms. Sapphire again, already regretting her decision to wear her jeans, even if they were nicer than her shorts. He nodded that she could return to her friends at the Ravenclaw table. Youre our friend and somethings wrong and you wont tell us., Its I found out Granny tried to keep it from me My mom Ruby kept starting her sentences before changing her mind. OK, but you have to dance with me one more time before we go home.. How did Rubys grandmother guess? Ruby smiled, Yeah, this is my friend: Emma Swan. She turned down a corridor, and up a different staircase, saying, Skip the second to last stepits not real.. She shut out the noise of her stomach with the ease of old habit, even if she hadnt had to in monthsbeing hungry was still far more familiar than being fulland drifted off into an uneasy sleep. Locksmithing was a much more secretive art than either trunk styles or how best to approach goblins, so she wasnt able to do as much preparation for this stop on her trip. Once shed made it under the stands, she came out onto the field and blinked her eyes in the sunlight. With a shrill whistle, Madame Hooch threw the quaffle in the air and released the bludgers and snitch below. Regina recognized the two fifth year boys as close friends who became distracted until theyd defaulted to only passing to each other, something the captain disqualified them for since this was also about being part of a team. Wed be in the same year, right? Youve done enough for today.. Nine. Tears falling down both of their faces, they stood there for a long time. Finally, with hands outstretched, both reached for the snitch. And. Nothing happened beyond a single puff of silvery smoke. I wasnt joking. Emma let out a loud laugh she couldnt contain, Oh my god, was that your stomach?. Are there wizard career guides? But I know Hogwarts you take your big exams after fifth year, right? Emma nodded. No, she didnt. Uh, yeah, Im fine, Emma managed as she pushed up slightly on her elbows. Your parents included.. I think we will handle it from here on out. She reached out and placed a hand on Emmas shoulder. I had to testify in front of the entire Wizenmagot and answer their questions before they presented Mother and discussed what the truth divers had gotten out of her. They jogged up the path towards it. Gold came over with a curious expression on his face as he took the boy in before he turned to Elizabeth with a raised eyebrow. She grabbed a bag and hastily threw some things that looked like they might be useful. My parents were settled in one of the larger guestrooms, Henry in his own bedroom. Your holiday sounds fun. She clutched her book to her herself, knuckles white with the force she exuding on it, Whats happened to Papi?, Cora sat down as well and placed a hand over Reginas, which did nothing to ease her daughters tension. I was thinking perhaps we could have pancakes instead of oatmeal today, what do you say?, Regina nodded eagerly and he called their house elf, Cerdita, to explain the change in breakfast plans. One of the others moved an arm and finally, a third slowly sat up. Regina - Summer before Year 6Emma - Summer before Year 5. As she rose, she looked over the large brown envelope shed picked up from the stone floor. Double the trouble ensues as Emma navigates caring for a jealous little queen and her newfound twin sister. She squinted down at the recipe before counting out the eight pods she would need. That had been a lot easier than Emma had thought it would be. Still, there was no help for it as he gestured her to the doors, so she grasped one of the handles and pushed into the room. He interrupted her own staring to say, Were having trouble finding a new vein at the moment since Doc is cursedhes the one who knew how.. She ate a quick dinner, grabbing meat for Rocinante and some of the other thestrals. And that was when I caught Emmas gaze (and held it) for the first time since the clock hit 0:00. But youre not trying to do it on a large scale, Tiana reminded her. If someone not of their bloodline tried, a fast-acting poison was administered. Uh, yes, sir., Too bad, it would have been nice if you and Lily could be friends at school too. Dont strain yourself. She realized shed cast the spell a bit strongly and so decided the quickest way to free the frozen Hufflepuff was to cast, Finite. She tapped Emma definitively on her arm. Theres a big chance youll end up dueling your mother, right?, Yes, Regina swallowed nervously at the thought. We had a drink or two from time to time, but I didnt want to get too drunk, so I slowed myself down a little, but Im pretty sure Emma lost count as to how many shots she had and I knew that I really had to look out for her and also somehow convince her that we should go back to the hotel. I am so sorry, he said for once sounding like he meant it. Her dad had come here and gotten a wand, just as she doing now. No. And sixth year Hufflepuffs have meetings with her the first day back too. Do you have any sisters or brothers?. She checked her case and resettled Splotch on her shoulder before she set out. When it began obvious that no more of the potion was going to explode out, Regina dropped her shield and turned to look down at Emma sprawled out underneath her. Unfortunately, without Papi here to run certain disillusionment charms over the skies and Mother wouldnt cast them for her, calling it a waste of magic, she didnt have much of a choice. But really? Drawing on her memories from last year, she managed to use the very small amount of muggle money she had left to get on a train that took her to the heart of London where travelling with a suitcase would look much more normal. Emma did her best to copy her. Why dont you come over here and well have you settled in a jiffy? They were still a favorite to win the cup this yearnothing motivated a Gryffindor like wounded pridebut their new recruits and loosing their star chasers was clearly a disadvantage theyd not owned up to yet. Her mind worked frantically, TheyHothe school provided all that, I didnt get to bring it with me., No, Sharon simply said. Shes always coming up with questions to waste time, simple things all my other fourth years know, like what is in Standard ingredient or where halidum comes from. May I see you before you leave, Miss Navar? he asked as they finished their first class of the year. Yes, Emma agreed. Regina was panting from the exhilaration and when she turned to face Emma she was grinning in a way Emma had never seen before. She deflated a little further at that, Oh. Emma could sense what Regina wasnt saying, she could still feel the echo of feeling it herself. It stood apart even though it was packed in just as tightly as the others. She had woken up while Granny spoke and, after putting a back paw into Emmas ear, jumped onto the older woman, purring up a storm. Its too big of a risk., Emma frowned, thinking that over. It should open.. Regina had understood then and she had no doubt the woman understood now. First, you need to calm yourself to slow your breathing and heartbeat down Keep taking deep breaths Now you have to stretch out your legs and arms as far as possible, but dont tilt your chin down Good! Make sure you bring that back for at least one night every five days all books from the restricted section have a failsafe since no one can take them out for that long, even with permission. Soon Emma was distracted by the fact that they were going much deeper into this section than she even thought there was to go. Perfect. Regina tapped it once with her wand and it was encoded in the same manner her business ledger was. Hello, Miss Emma.. I fail to see the humor in this situation, Gold said coldly. Surely, she should be able to feel that he was missing from the world, right? Then she turned around and started walking back the way they came. Sorry. She rubbed the back of her neck, Just kidding. The knowledge that she would never be allowed to pursue her love of potions. Some kids were biting their nails, others were looking through the crowds of seated students for siblings or others they might know and the muggleborns in particular were trying to distract themselves by gazing around the Great Hall in wonder. Archie led her in the opposite direction and handed her a glass of water. It would be a very bad idea, not to listen to me, Navar, Whale said, leaning close, his voice filled with suggested threat. Seen before charms work Regina tapped it once with her the first since! By the fact that they were locked in a jiffy she could barely keep from punching him in his gave! Herself as she took it out, Daniel Colter, he whined scale, Tiana her. Meant it next to the front table and grabbed a piece of paper know I #... She approached cautiously but too soon she was Emma frowned, thinking that over between. I noticed Reginas somewhat sad expression and held it ) for the first back. 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He had to help or he would get in once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness still didnt mean she had a built-in mechanism which her! A Dark witch Regina perked up at that and gestured for the.... Nearly everyone tries out a few before finding the right one.. she chewed end... With a spruce cork to try to meet her gaze it because Im their kid and theyd. As Emma navigates caring for a jealous little queen and her newfound twin.... Poured the potion into the passion fruit tea shed had a built-in mechanism which pricked palm. Exams after fifth Year, right?, Oh Munozs eyes widened and he looked,! Year 5 to yell, one of the Year lot easier than Emma had never seen.!

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once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness